Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that has become increasingly popular in the United States, but many people don't know much about its history. Contrary to popular belief, it is not Mexico's Independence Day, which is celebrated on September 16. So, what is Cinco de Mayo all about?
Well, let me tell you a little story...
It all began in 1862 when France invaded Mexico, looking to expand its empire in the Americas. At the time, Mexico was in a state of financial and political turmoil, and France saw this as an opportunity to exert its influence.
The French army, led by General Charles de Lorencez, was confident in their ability to defeat the Mexican forces. They had already captured the port city of Veracruz and were headed towards Mexico City.
But on May 5th, 1862, a ragtag group of Mexican soldiers, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza, stood their ground against the French army at the Battle of Puebla. The odds were against them, but they fought bravely and ultimately emerged victorious.
The Battle of Puebla was not a significant military victory in the grand scheme of things, but it was a morale boost for the Mexican people, who had been struggling for years against foreign intervention and internal conflicts.
Interestingly, the victory at the Battle of Puebla was not widely celebrated in Mexico at the time. It wasn't until decades later, when Mexican immigrants living in the United States started to commemorate the day, that it became a cultural touchstone.
In the 1960s, Chicano activists began to embrace Cinco de Mayo as a way to celebrate Mexican culture and heritage. Today, the holiday is celebrated in many parts of the United States, with parades, festivals, and lots of delicious food.
But here's the thing: Cinco de Mayo is not really a big deal in Mexico. While some communities do commemorate the holiday, it is not a national holiday, and most Mexicans don't pay it much attention.
So, why is Cinco de Mayo so popular in the United States? Well, for one thing, it's a great excuse to eat tacos and drink margaritas. But more than that, it's become a way for Mexican-Americans to celebrate their culture and history, and to show pride in their heritage.
So, there you have it: the history of Cinco de Mayo, from a small battle in Mexico to a beloved cultural celebration in the United States. Whether you're celebrating with friends and family or just enjoying a plate of nachos, take a moment to remember the brave soldiers who fought for their country on that fateful day in 1862.